
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To Zumba or Not to Zumba...

...that is the question!  Zumba seems to be a huge hit right now and I have to say I am interested.  But I want to know the pros and cons of Zumba vs. a regular workout.  And not to mention, I cannot how big of an idiot will I look like during one of these classes.  Everyone boasts the benefits of Zumba, but taking this hour long class will burn about 200 calories less than running on a treadmill for an hour.  I know what you are thinking, most of us wouldn't "run" for an hour included.  It's just a comparison. Someday I will be up to that one hour, I hope.  

If they could promise I would look like the women in the above picture, hell yeah I would be at Zumba...twice a day, 7 days a week.  But back to reality, I doubt any of those people were ever over weight.  And I doubt they have to put as much effort in to look the way they do.  I would like to think they huge and obese and this picture was ran through a great photo shop program!  There, now I feel better about myself. :)  

Gyms can be intimidating.  They are filled with buff, lean, fit and toned pretty people.  For me it is a HUGE ego downer at this time.  I am still new (5 weeks strong!), and I feel a bit inadequate at times when I see the others working out.  I know I cannot compare myself to them, but I can't help but to be jealous at times.  The Zumba classes are held in a room just down from the cardio machines in my gym.  I have walked passed there and have seen the classes in action.  There are people from every make and model!  The pro now seems to be that I would fit right in!  

So, pros again: Zumba is a form of interval training and is a good core workout.  It might seem redundant to "dance" every time, but it looks like fun! If you love to dance, (I didn't say can, I said love! lol), this seems like a good choice.  Be warned however, it does not provide fast weight loss and it does not give you strength training.  I think it would be a good option to change up your normal workout.  Add a little spice to you workout life!  I will keep it open as an option for a later date, but for now I will stick with the cardio and weight training.  Let's get this exercise figured out and the body under control and then...


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