
Friday, June 15, 2012

Fear the Blue Balls

What do you think of when you think of racquetball?  I simple little sport where you hit a small ball against a wall and your opponent reciprocates, right?  Well not so least not for us.  We have discovered that it is a fun way to get our cardio in and it also should help burn more calories since my heart is racing even more from sure panic! That cute little ball is a weapon of destruction!  It always starts out nice and leisurely, and then my husband losses all rational thought and decides that he needs to make the ball travel as fast a possible.  All I can do is duck and pray. 

Don't get me wrong, my husband is a nice, sweet and gentle guy.  But when he gets on the court, its like he becomes a gladiator!  And no one is safe...fear the blue balls!  He is not out to hurt anyone, he is just having fun...but I think his goal is to see if he can blast that ball through the damn court wall! 

We are still new to the game and neither of us are sure of the exact rules.  I don't think it would matter if we did know them.  We wouldn't be able to follow them anyway once the spirit of Spartacus takes over in my husband.  As of now we are using the equipment provided by the gym.  We might have to look into getting our own soon, as their's is not going to last long, lol.

I would love to learn how to actually play, but I might be seriously disappointed.  It might take from the fun we have!  I wouldn't need to duck, dodge or dive nearly as much...and then I wouldn't be smiling as much either.  Because no matter how outrageously crazy my husband gets with the game, it is still a fun time we have together and that is what counts.  I give him a hard time about being so rough, but honestly its as much a part of the game as his silly antics, lol.

BTW, this is what a racquetball looks like when it is hits the wall during normal play.  It's kind of neat, give you some idea into the design and show you something you do not normally see.  They have different versions of balls, some have less bounce and hurt much less when hit by them! lol  Now I found another picture that shows what is might looking like when my husband hits the ball...please note the difference.

All in all, we have a great time with most of our exercising. And just today one of my coworkers told me she can notice a difference in my size.  Maybe it is the racquetball?  maybe it is that she is on crack?  I am not sure, but either way it was compliment and I am going to take it!  And I am going to continue having fun playing racquetball with my husband as he pushes the limits of the blue balls...until next time!

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